I am bringing firewall management in house and trying to connect my smartcenter on win2k to my nokia firewalls.
I can establish SIC, I can fw fetch from FW, I can uninstall policy from the management server but I cannot push any rules to these firewalls. When I do I get the error TCP connectivity failure (port =18191) error no. 10.
I can push rules to one set of local firewalls that I have, but the ones I need rules on are remote. I can telnet both ways over 18191, establish SIC, fw fetch, and uninstall policy from management server.
I even tried to push an "any any any" rule in a new rule set and got the same error.
Try using fwunload local command in firewall gateway. This command will uninstall the security policy from firewall module and try to push the policy once and let me know ( If you already configured sic OTP on both Firewall and Management server ) otherwise re-establish the SIC password and push the policy.