I had just done an upgrade from NG fp2 to Fp3. After the installation process done,there are no respons from the IPSO module, and there are no connection from IPSO console, with error user not allowed, we have to restart the IPSO module to recover the connection and load a policy.
The question here, if after the reboot, and still does not have access to IPSO module by console or management server, how do to reestabilish back the trust between module & managent, since cpconfig utilities still need an access to module...
And if I run reset the SIC in management server, is that mean i have to done cpconfig on all the module manage by that management server
but i suggest you, before password-recvovery, do a reboot with a console session open and check if default policy is loaded, or check the output during reboot.
which nokia-hardware are you using and which ipso too?