Created a rule to let "any" "any" though and back out from my FTP server. When trying to ping to the FTP server from the outside, pings are allowed in, but are dropped in the last rule of "any" "any" "drop". My rule 2 is allow any to the FTP server and my rule 3 is to allow FTP server to any. Why can I not get a reply ping from my FTP server?
1st. are you doing NAT? do you have port forwarding to the ftp server for just ftp? or icmp too?
2nd check your smart defense/global properties settings, see if your ping packets are restricted in size, less than 64b, would probably cause some problems, and if you are working from a *nix box, i know *nix implements icmp slightly differently to Win, and on occations different ports are used to the "expected" for icmp traffic.