I have some troubles in working with Check Point FW-1 NG FP3 HF1. Following is the output of command fw ctl pstat presented.
What does large value of failed alloc mean? Where can be found the reason of this?
Many thanks in advance
Hash kernel memory (hmem) statistics:
Total memory allocated: 67108864 bytes in 16383 4KB blocks using 1 pool
Total memory bytes used: 66631004 unused: 477860 (0.71%) peak: 60422864
Total memory blocks used: 16383 unused: 0 (0%) peak: 16383
Allocations: 68198409 alloc, 9313917 failed alloc, 67100403 free
System kernel memory (smem) statistics:
System physical memory: 2080112640 bytes
Available physical memory: 1073741824 bytes
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