Have upgraded from R54 to R55 on Nokia IP350 and have noticed there is a hotfix out. I do not know how to apply the hot fix. The release notes say execute the install_hfa? How do I do that? Help is appreciated as I am new to all of this.
This is very simple:
1) Create a tmp directory like this: mkdir /var/admin/tmp
2) download the checkpoint tgz file ball for IPSO into /var/admin/tmp directory
3) cd into /var/admin/tmp directory
4) tar xzpf *.tgz
5) You have a choice, etheir run "./install_hfa" or "./cphshared_xxxxxx" and "./fw1xxxxxxx"
6) reboot the firewall when you're done so the hotfix can take effect
Thanks for the reply, had figured it was something simple. All done and working now.