I can upload file up to 40-50 kb and rearly 75 or 100kb on a website but mostly file with greater size, I have "Page can't be displayed" as soon as it starts upload.
I am using IE6.1 and tried netscape 7.1 with Firewall Checkpoint NG FP3 HFA_322 sitting on linux 7.3, kernel 2.4.18-5.SMP and an ADSL 512 Kb.
Without the firewalls I can upload up to 5MB which is the size limit of the site.It is using HTTP(80)/HTTPS(443).
I have left only 3 rules on the firewalls including the "any to any with service any to be dropped and logged"
The other 2 is from my PC to the site and vice versa with service any for test.
Even with this simple setup i have that problem and everything is accepted in the log. There is nothing abnormal being dropped between the site and my pc.
I have been struggling with problem for 2 weeks without success.
I think I know exactly the problem you are having. Let me get this straight. You're trying to upload a file via http(s) from a client browser to a webserver, which the web server sits behind the firewall right? The same would apply if the client browser is behind a checkpoint firewall.
Here is what you need to do: In SmartDefense, there is an option for "General http worm catcher". This option is "enable" by default. You need to "uncheck" this option. After that, push the policy and your problem will be solved. This is especially with https because the packets are encrypted. Therefore, Checkpoint can not check what inside the packet so it just drops it altogether. The thing is that you don't see any drops in the log right?