Hi all...I am having some problems booting up my Nokia IP330 firewall. I have a connected the firewall via the console to my terminal emulator that is running VT100. Everytime I boot up I keep getting the cmos setup instead of the IPSO/boot mangr options. It is auto detecting the IBM 20gig hard drive. I tell it to save settings and exit but it keeps going into cmos setup everytime. Can someone please help me with this scenario. Many thanks in advance.
I just called Nokia today about this. I too was having problems with and IP330. Nokia told me, and it fixed my problem, that Windows 2000 and XP's hyperterminal send a 'tab' on reboot or something. Of course, tab brings you to the bios of the IP330. I had an old Win95 Toshiba laptop that I kept (just because it had a serial port) and I used that. So, either find a different terminal emulator or go back to Win9x. Worked for me!